GenZ and Conscious Fashion – Understanding the Affinity!

Fashion has evolved tremendously in the last decade or so. With a lot of emphasis on longevity and sustainability across every sphere of our lifestyle, Conscious fashion is a defining answer to all the odds circumventing the fashion space.

The term conscious fashion also holds lots of confusion and questions as to what it is and its benefits. With this article, we are trying to answer some of those questions.

  • What exactly is conscious fashion?
  • Is conscious fashion the same as sustainable fashion?
  • How can we be more fashion-conscious?
  • Benefits of conscious fashion.
  • What makes Gen Z choose conscious fashion?

Lately, shoppers face a paradox of choice when it comes to fashion [ i.e., what to buy and where to buy from]. One of the biggest difficulties also comes from the confusion around conscious fashion and sustainability.

Information on conscious fashion and sustainability can sometimes be misleading, this guide will walk you through it and answer all your questions.


Who is GenZ?

Generation Z refers to individuals born between the year 1997-2012. This generation has been raised on the internet, technology, and social media, which is why they are viewed as tech addicted. They’re seen as the limitless generation who no longer need to create a full strategy in order to reach and influence thousands of people, they just create a tweet. Ironic right? Think of the power they hold. This concept alone takes the entire generation and puts them beyond the box.

Previous generations grew up being told to be seen and not heard, but GenZ is limitless in various ways, their work-life balance, and the pace at which they get things done.

They’re the most diverse and interconnected generation across the globe.

What is conscious fashion?

What does it mean to be fashion conscious? Conscious fashion refers to awareness or knowledge of all the inputs and processes involved in the production of our clothes along with the impact it creates.

It makes us consider things and questions we never used to ask about our clothes, such as,

  • Who made our clothes?
  • Where were they made?
  • How were the workers treated and compensated?
  • What materials were used? Are they natural?
  • How much water and energy were used?
  • Are the materials renewable?
  • Were animals harmed in the process of making the clothes?
  • Does their manufacturing process harm the ecosystem at large?

I know it’s quite a lot to consider when you just want to buy let’s say a t-shirt or a jacket, but the world is driving towards a more sustainable and eco-friendly method, and as fashion is moving with it, we should too.

What does it mean to be fashion conscious?

A fashion-conscious individual is one who is aware of the benefits and implications of buying clothes that are produced in a sustainable and unsustainable way respectively. They consider so many factors and ask lots of questions before purchasing an item of clothing.


Most times, these two terms are mistaken for one another, but despite their similarities, they both have different concepts.

Conscious fashion is being mindful of the processes involved in the production of fashion wears. It is a web that covers the sustainability and morals involved in the practices, processes, and raw materials used in the production of clothes.

Conscious consumers are both ethically and environmentally aware, putting into consideration, the impact it their purchases on their well-being, environment, and health generally.

On the other hand, sustainable fashion focuses on the materials being used in the production of these garments, the practices involved, their impact on the environment and ecosystem at large, and its impact on human and animal lives.

To understand the more in-depth difference between sustainable fashion, conscious fashion, ethical fashion, and circular fashion, Read our curated blog here.


Although the fashion industry is filled with unethical, inhumane, and unsustainable practices, we can stop these practices with our buying decisions. These decisions go a long way in improving our health and safety, preserving resources, and saving the ecosystem.

Here are a few practices to become more fashion conscious.

  • Buying less: Resist buying low-quality clothes at low prices. These clothes are produced by brands in the most unethical and unsafe ways. High-quality clothes last longer, and this reduces constant buying. Therefore, invest in conscious fashion and buy less.
  • Take care of the clothes you already own: One of the characteristics of conscious fashion wear is the increased life span of fabrics. These brands mostly produce high-quality fabrics from natural or organic materials that last longer [while supporting a return program, where you can trade your used clothes for a small amount of money or trade it for a new one]. The natural fabrics used for production make these clothes durable. We can help maintain these clothes by paying more attention to the wash instruction labels, washing at low temperature, and repairing or thrifting rather than disposing of.
  • Ask questions about a brand before making a purchase: Always direct questions to brand, about their wear, from where they were made to materials used in the production. These questions make you aware of the brand practices and help decide if they deserve your support.
  • Research more about fabrics: Having in-depth knowledge of the various fabrics used by both ethical and non-ethical fashion brands in the production of clothes makes you more fashion conscious. With this knowledge, you can easily identify if a brand uses recycled/sustainable fibers for production and help you easily detect a deceitful brand.
  • Buying less of fast fashion wears: It’s no secret that’s most fast fashion brands use harmful dyes and chemicals in garment production which releases greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, consumes a large amount of water and energy to process, animal cruelty, and environmental pollution at large. Therefore, if you support the sustainability movement, the best is not to shop fast fashion.

Benefits of conscious fashion and what makes Gen Z choose it?

We all are aware of the implications of harmful practices because of exploitation from the fashion and textile industry, being fashion conscious can reduce these environmental and social impacts. There are lots of benefits attached to shopping conscious fashion wears, from having long-lasting and valuable wear, to maintaining a safe environment, and lastly, preserving human and animal lives.

  • Conservation of natural resources: Recycling and thrifting are important components of renewable or conscious fashion. These components help conserve natural resources. Nonethical fashion brands require synthetic fibers and lots of chemical for production, these chemicals when released into the atmosphere, exerts pressure on the resources, thereby affecting the ecosystem at large.
  • Human safety: Fibers used by non-conscious fashion brands are made from various chemicals and dyes which are harmful to human health. Practicing conscious fashion helps ensure safety and preserve lives too.
  • Animal safety and preservation: The leather industry uses animal hides to produce fashion wears, this makes it a large reason behind animal cruelty and slaughter. By practicing the alternate fashion [conscious, ethical fashion] we help save the lives of these animals. This is our moral and ethical responsibility towards nature.
  • Longer life of fabrics: Conscious fashion brands use natural high-quality materials which are durable and more reliable in garment production, this makes the fabrics last longer. Buying these wears reduces constant buying and helps save money.

In conclusion

Choosing conscious fashion or being fashion conscious goes a long way in ensuring human and animal safety and improving the ecosystem at large. Taking the above-mentioned steps is a small way to start, and with each day that goes by, together, we can make a collective impact in the textile and fashion industry and the ecosystem at large, This will pave way for more sustainable living for the future.

Let’s create a better future by shopping right!!

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